HMST (lead agency) conducted the E8 review, which includes:
This mission was led by Roberto Garcia Saez.
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- Conduct extensive consultations on the current approaches to financing, oversight and governance of malaria elimination in Southern Africa, in order to elaborate strategic options for the Global Fund’s Catalytic Investment mandated by the Board that would be complementary to the on-going or planned interventions in country grants, also considering how the limited country allocations are being prioritised in the relevant countries;
- Review progress and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the MOSASWA and E8 grant implementation by the two Principal Recipients (PRs) as well as coordination (including, but not limited to the Regional Coordination Mechanisms (RCM), MOSASWA and E8 activities, other coordination mechanisms such as SADC, national Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs), key partners; and
- Recommend a best way forward based on prioritisation of possible options within approaches elaborated through the consultations, considering technical and political feasibility of options, strengths and weaknesses of multi-country grants, governance and performance oversight options and the funding availability.
This mission was led by Roberto Garcia Saez.
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